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Award for Best Paper at the GIoTS2019 Meeting in Aarhus, Denmark

Category : Uncategorized

The scientific paper, our members were a part of, on the topic of interoperability for IoT platforms, representing the results of the H2020 symbIoTe project, was awarded for the best paper at the 2019 Global IoT Summit.

The symbIoTe Solution for Semantic and Syntactic Interoperability of Cloud-based IoT Platforms

Podnar Žarko, Ivana ; Mueller, Szymon ; Płociennik, Marcin ; Rajtar, Tomasz ; Jacoby, Michael ; Pardi, Matteo ; Insolvibile, Gianluca ; Glykantzis, Vasileios ; Antonić, Aleksandar ; Kušek, Mario ; Soursos, Sergios
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS)
doi: 10.1109/GIOTS.2019.8766420
